Tuesday, May 4, 2010

2010 World Cup frenzy - what about the aftertaste?

Today I received these extra cool links with 360 views of the World Cup stadiums in South Africa (still can't believe that I left that beautiful country just one month ago for my MBA studies in Madrid).

While you are looking at the pictures (and you have to go to SA and check out the stadiums from the outside as well - they are some masterpieces, even though I am still not convinced about the locations - Greenpoint looked much better without that huge bowl), think about the following question:

what is going to happen with a couple of millions workforce engaged in construction, given that cashflows will drop dramatically after July 2010?

My thoughts on the matter to follow, in the meantime, here are the magnificent views:

Cape Town
Nelspruit how about that grass!!
Ellis Park
Port Elizabeth
Polokwane from the pitch
Durban from below
Durban from the top

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